Monday, May 13, 2013


Dear Internet,
Before I enter "my heart" into the great Google search engine of online dating, I feel like I need to attach some meta tags to this uber keyword. Some further description to set the stage for my search - some background (and we're not talking CSS).

My browsing history has been pretty scattered, but non-commital. I've gone on a handful of dates and enjoyed several of them, but there was nothing I'd add to my "Favorites" list. Truthfully, I think it's been a matter of filters limiting my search. Filters such as "location" and "introversion" that have reduced the vast ocean of possibilities to the shallow kiddy pool my experience has returned.

In short - I feel like I haven't really had a chance to succeed.

So, it's time for change in my search. A big change - of scope, scale, and possibility. And I plan to chronicle the adventure here.

I guess the real question is, will I trust the results? Am I brave enough to rely on what you, dear Internet, return in response to my most vulnerable search parameters? Can I really, honestly click and believe. . .

. . . "I'm Feeling Lucky"
